





My pet cockatielというタイトルなのに、最近ぜんぜんオカメたちの記事を書いていないので久々にYouTubeにアップしました。ラテとミルキーの微妙な距離感と、ミルキーの軽やかな歌、さらに背景のテレビ画面の「毘沙門天」がなかなかいい感じの動画になったと…

Milky likes to be scratched around her head and neck.


Today I upload the movie of Milky. likes to be scratched around his head, neck, and ears. Go to "Blog Ranking"

Latte plays with a coffee mug!!


Today I upload the movie of Latte. likes to play with a coffee mug.Go to "Blog Ranking"

Latte laid the ninth egg.


Today Latte laid the ninth eggs in this year. She has not interested in her eggs, so she never try to sit on egg.I worry about her health because she has laid so many eggs.Go to "Blog Ranking"

Latte wants to pick up the mouse cursor on my monitor.


Today I upload the movie of Latte. sometimes is addicted to my computer.She enjoys munching kye bord and chase the mouse cursor on the computer screen.Go to "Blog Ranking"

Latte likes to be scratched around her head and neck.


Today I upload the movie of Latte. likes to be scratched around her head, neck, and ears. She would beg for scritches and would sit there forever while I scratch her head. Go to "Blog Ranking"

Milky drove away Latte


Milky and Latte doesn't so much get along with each other. Milky often sings a song, but Latte always ignores him.Yesterday Miky enjoyed munching on tissue paper. Latte got to close to the tissue box, Milky drove away Latte.http://www.yout…

Latte did enjoy munching on a cotton swab.


I uploaded the movie of Latte. cockatiels like to munch on everything and anything. Today Latte did enjoy munching on a cotton swab.

Milky, my pet cockatiel yawning.


I have two cockatiels, Milky and Latte. Milky is a Whiteface Cinnamon Pearl Pied male, and Latte is a Cinnamon Pearl female. Yesterday, I uploaded the movie of Milky yawning.'ll uploaded the movie…